Thursday, July 9, 2020

 Sketch book challenge
Making a sketchbook using prompt for art and words. 
I’ll give the prompt daily or close to daily. I will post my example. 
Day one:

                Art                                                                          Thought
  1.   Salt water color                                           Record what you see

  2.   Pieces of material                    a quote by someone famous or not

  3. Marker colored scraps of paper.                         Book cutouts

  4. Pressed or iron flowers and leaves.               A wonderful memory or two

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

assignment #3 ( having difficulty with the pictures. They don't import. Technology bites again.

I love this assignment almost as much as the first one. Just thinking about it has brought enlightment to who I am and what art has influenced me. I never thought about it that way before. I have organized it in both Chronological order and by theme - the horse.

When I was a child I loved to draw horses. At age seven I, actually, was on a kids TV show demonstrating how I drew this first horse in my list of ten.
  1. Child horse drawing

2. Horse movie - when I was a bit older than when I drew the TV horse, I saw a movie about a boy who tried to save a wild stallion from capture. I unfortunately can’t produce a real picture as no one can recall the name of the movie. It was a handsome white stallion. The boy and horse escaped by riding into the sea at the end of the movie, very emotional for a ten year old who loves horses

3. I rode horses as I grew and learned to respect their spirit and fine body. Brushing and grooming them made their physical presence much clearer.

4. Roger Suruad, France - I fell in love with this artist’s style of composing several images on one canvas. I especially loved the ones with horses running in them., Roger+Suraud+%2B+Tutt%27Art%40+

5. Venice is my favorite city and the four beautiful Byzatine  horses is a contributing factor. The Horses of Saint Mark, also known as the Triumphal Quadriga, is a set of bronze statues of four horses, originally part of a monument depicting a quadriga (a four-horse carriage used for chariot racing) The horses were placed on the facade, on the loggia above the porch, of St Mark's Basilica in Venice, northern Italy after the sack of Constantinople in 1204.

6. Using the inspiring paintings of Suraud and the visit to the horses of St. Mark, I painted this oil on canvas.2’X3” depicting the things I treasured from my trips to Venice

  1. An Irish mythology tells of the kelpie horses appearing out of the rolling waves of the sea. My friend Jane O’Donahue wrote a children’s book about it and I made an Illustration for the cover. (No Photo available) W/C and guache.

  1. Gennady Spirin uses soft use of color and design and I just love looking at his illustrations like this one of the fanciful horse.

9. My research into medieval times for a book I am writing brought me to parades of nobility through villages on horseback and prompted me to make a silver point picture of a unicorn. pastedGraphic_2.pdf

9.  Leonardo da Vinci ‘s horses were very inspirational for my oil painting. I used two of his horses among mine.pastedGraphic_3.pdf

10. My latest project, horses running out of the water, ocean, in oil on canvas.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Assignment picture the epitomizes art

I did research, trying to choose the one picture that I though was representative of fine art as directed.
  1. Then, make or describe something (or choose a work by another artist) that stands for what you think people in the world think art should be—because a teacher or expert told you that’s what art is, or because that’s what you think “good art" is, or because you think this is what the art market wants, etc.                               

I looked the Masters and discovered that 95% of their work is portraits. The rest are religious. Some landscape artist are famous but not as high up as Michael and Leonardo. This paining by Sargent is my favorite and the favorite of many others.  It does tell a story, begs questions and is so pleasant to view.
I also chose The School of Athens by Raphael. It seems to encompass architecture, perspective, portraits, use of color and design. All the elements of  dynamic art.


picture that epitomizes art

I joined this course late but love it already. I won't do the drawing/paintings right away. I loved doing the research. Wow, I learned so much!

I am including pictures I feel answer some of the assigned questions.

For a picture the would or did have an impact on the world I chose:

The Napalm Child-  Though this is a photograph and often not even considered fine art it actually had a tremendous impact on the Viet Nam War.