Tuesday, July 23, 2013

illustration workshop cancelled

I was signed up to take an illustration week long workshop at Norman Rockwell Museum next week. It was with Mary Jane Begin who is at Rhode Island School of Design. There were only two signed up.  This is a shame. It was five days all day long and only $298. I am sad for me and for all who would have loved it.

therefore, I have decided that I will be my own course. If I were to drive to Stockbridge every day for 10-4 workshop, then I will do illustration 9-5 every day for the week. I should get something out of it. I have written a syllabus and will start Monday.

Here's what I planned so far:

each day:

* blog illustrations
* blog books illustrated
* work on portfolio
* work on illustrations on photoshop
* plan a new illustration - medieval book (zentangle)
* finish illustrations ie pirate
* study and copy one illustrator
* coursera project
* plan and start graphic novel on ??? egg in bottle meteorology

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